2025 Chamber Choir Workshop Auditions -

Chamber Choir Workshop Auditions

Thank you for expressing interest in the 2025 Chamber Choir Workshop. Please answer the questions below and upload your audition video. When recording your video, please clearly state your name and voice part before singing.


First Name *
Last Name *
Preferred pronouns
Email *
Please provide us with a (mobile) number we can contact you on during your stay in case of emergencies. *
State (or country if outside Australia) *
Postcode *
What is your voice part? *
Where the voice parts divide, please indicate your preferred part: *
Please note: you must be a proficient music reader and be prepared to learn your part prior to the Festival in order to participate in this workshop. *
I agree
Current choir (if applicable)
Upload your audition video: *
Do you have any mobility and access issues we should be aware of?
If someone else purchased this registration on your behalf, please tell us their name. We need to make sure all participant details correspond with our bookings.
Have you participated in Festival of Voices before?
If so, which year(s) did you attend?
How did you hear about Festival of Voices? *
If 'other', please specify
Please confirm the following before submitting this form: *

I hereby consent to the collection and use of my personal images by photography or video recording as well as any audio recording undertaken directly or indirectly through this process or undertaken as and ancillary activity.

I acknowledge that images, video, and audio of me may be used by the Festival of Voices in print, digital, and audio formats and distributed through media partners to promote this event. The event may be live-streamed, rebroadcast, or available for on-demand viewing, and content may be captured by the Festival or its representatives. I acknowledge that the Festival of Voices may use my image, video, or audio to promote the Festival or similar programs associated with the Festival or the project.  

I understand that no personal information will be used in any publications unless express consent is given. I understand that this consent may not be withdrawn, and I give this consent voluntarily.